Her Personal Assistant Read online

Page 9

  “Looks like you're not getting it,” he said, reaching out to unbutton her blouse and pull the sides apart. Her bra clasped in front and he easily parted the cups, exposing her to Paul's gaze in the rear-view mirror.

  “God, James!” She dared not pull the sides together, so she just sat there and let Paul glance up at her at every stoplight.

  When they reached the office, Evelyn was allowed to cover up and she and James went up into the elevator to the top floor. She was always nervous at the office. It started with an ache in the pit of her stomach and grew to make her feel flushed. James called it “The Imposter Syndrome” and she supposed he was right. Who was she to try to run Charles’ company? If it wasn't for James, she never would have lasted this long.

  Evelyn was maneuvering the board into accepting Rene Anatole as CEO and she would remain chairwoman—and could then leave the day-to-day operation of the company to the Frenchman. Nelson was all for it, as were his cronies, because they thought Rene would be more agreeable to making changes they desired. But Evelyn had an ace up her sleeve.

  She and Rene had long conversations about what Charles would have wanted and how she wanted the company to move forward. “You were always his ally, Rene,” she told him. “I want you to honor his wishes.”

  “But of course, ma'am,” he said.

  “Don't be so quick to agree until you hear me out,” she said, looking up at James and giving him a small smile. It had been James’ idea. “I am holding stock for you in a restricted account. If you follow my wishes, each year, one fifth of the shares will be granted to you. At the end of five years, we will meet to discuss your performance.”

  He nodded. “Yes, ma'am—I can agree to those terms.”

  “It won't be easy. Nelson and his pals will try to persuade you. I expect you to resist.”

  “Of course.”

  The vote was unanimous and Evelyn gratefully ceded control over to Rene. She would still show up quarterly to check on her husband's company, but she was freed from day-to-day decisions that vexed her.

  On the way home, she turned to James.

  “I want to thank you, for everything.”

  “Thank Charles. It was all his idea.”

  “I know, but you really knew exactly what to do. If you had been more forceful in the beginning, I probably would've fired you. But if you had acted too cautiously, it would not have served me well.”

  He nodded. “Thanks, I appreciate that.”

  “But now what? I can't see myself just hanging around, being your little sub girl. I need more, don't I?”

  He laughed. “You send mixed messages. I think you like the idea but feel it's not worthy of you. I mean, you're Evelyn Rothschild, married to a distant cousin to the original Rothschilds. You want to live up to that name, right?”

  She nodded.

  “But inside, you're still Evelyn Hockman of Dover Plains, Georgia.”

  Her eyes went wide and she stared at him. But she already knew how he had gotten that information. Damn Charles!

  “You met Charles when you waited on him in a bar in Atlanta.”

  She nodded and felt embarrassed. He picked up on it at once.

  “Hey,” he said, lifting her chin. “Don't be ashamed. Charles didn't care where you came from—he only cared about who you were. And he loved you. That much I know.”

  “He told you that?”

  “Of course. And I could see it in his eyes. My point is, you are a Rothschild now and always will be. That's your public face. But inside, you need to serve little submissive Evelyn Hockman and that's where I come in. You can be both people, Evelyn.”

  “God,” was all she could manage.

  “Just take your time finding your place in this new life. I'm here to help you, remember?”

  “But for how long? How long did Charles pay you for?”

  “For as long as you need me.”

  “I don't understand. He can't issue you a paycheck—how did he reward you?”

  “There was some money involved.” He took her hand and kissed it. “But the real reward was you, Evelyn. I knew if I performed my duties well, I'd get you.”

  Tears came to her eyes. “Really?”


  “My god. I don't know what to say.”

  “You don't have to say anything. Just live your life the way you want to, the way you need to. And thank Charles for knowing you so well.”

  “I still miss him.”

  “I know you do. I miss him too. He was a very good friend to me.”

  “This is so weird, both of us together because of a dead man.”

  James smiled. “Do you want to fire me?”

  She grinned back. “Not today. Let's see how I feel tomorrow.”

  “Oh, about that,” he said. “Tonight, now that you're no longer the CEO, I plan to play some new games.”

  Her eyebrows went up. “Really? Like what?”

  “You'll see.”

  She didn't say much after that. James enjoyed watching her, reading the questions in her eyes. But she knew better than to ask—he wouldn't tell. He would only show. He wanted to separate himself further from Charles’ memory. He had served his purpose. While he would never be forgotten, he felt it was important that she thought of him as the new Dom in her life, not just her personal assistant.

  At home, he left her to go sit by the pool. She had hesitated before she went up the stairs, expecting him to follow and tell what to wear. But he would rather she was alone to think about what new games they would be playing. He knew Charles didn't tie her up much, preferring to make her lie still when he punished her. He liked making her control her own body. But James knew tying up a sub really put her into a new place—a helpless state from which she could feel both excitement and fear. Well, a little bit of fear. By now, he knew she trusted him.

  At dinner, served by Thomas, Evelyn sat across from James and watched him, like a rabbit might watch a coyote. She had put on a simple skirt and blouse. They talked about innocuous things, but Evelyn bit her lip several times during their dinner, biting back her unasked questions. They made small talk until they were done.

  Afterward, he sat with her in the sunroom and sipped some after-dinner wine. She finally couldn't take the pressure and asked, “Uh, James.”


  “Just what are you planning... you know?”

  “Relax. You trust me, don't you?”

  “Well, of course.”

  “Then just enjoy.”

  “Can't you tell me what I'm going to enjoy?”


  They fell into a silence. James thought she might be disappointed once she found out what was going to happen. But it was just the start. He wanted to take her further than Charles ever had. He suspected she needed it. Evelyn was an ideal sub in so many ways. Often they don't even know what they want until they experience it. Once they do, look out.

  When at last he turned to her and suggested they go to bed, Evelyn jumped up. “Uh, okay,” she whispered, suddenly embarrassed by her reaction.

  He took her hand and led her up the stairs to their room.

  “Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth,” he told her.

  She did, her eyes questioning his. He just smiled and cupped her cheek. “Relax.”

  She nodded and went into the bathroom. When she came out a few minutes later, she stood by the bed, waiting. James was still fully dressed. He took her hand and led her to the bed. Slowly, he stripped her, removing each piece of clothing and draping it carefully over a nearby chair. She watched as if it were happening to someone else.

  When she was naked, he pulled the covers back and helped her onto the bed. He placed her on her stomach. She automatically raised her hips for him, expecting he might take her ass, but it wasn't time. Maybe later.

  He went to the nightstand and pulled out four leather cuffs. Evelyn gave a small gasp. “Is that what you meant?”

  “In part,” he said. He placed the cuffs on her
ankles and wrists. She offered no resistance. He pulled her arms and legs out straight and found the ropes he had tied earlier to the legs of the bed and began to tie her up. She struggled briefly and he gave her a swat to settle her down. When she was securely fastened, he asked, “Can you move?”

  She struggled anew and said, “No.”


  He pulled the riding crop from the nightstand and gave her a tentative swat on the bottom. She gave a small gasp.

  “It's different now, when you can't move, isn't it?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  He swatted her again, harder. “You need this. You may not think so, but you do. You need to feel helpless, out of control. You like giving up control.”

  “God,” she said.

  He gave her ten swats, medium-hard, just to warm her up. “I know Charles liked you to lie still while he spanked you, didn't he?”


  “I like you to feel the bonds holding you, knowing you can't escape. It's frightening and yet, it forces you to trust me completely.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, her breath coming harder now.

  He spanked her again, spreading out the blows until her entire ass was red. She was panting now and struggled against her ropes. The cuffs prevented her from hurting herself. Her only pain came from what he gave her.

  He switched the riding crop with a cat o'nine tails and spread the soft leather whips across her back and down to her thighs. Evelyn's body began to twitch under the lash and sweat popped out on her body. She grunted out each blow.

  Then, suddenly, she grew still. James recognized at once she had begun to fly. He eased up on severity of the whipping, just keeping her in her subspace for as long as he could. His arm grew tired. He observed how her entire back was reddened and yet, she simply lay there, unable or unwilling to fight back. Not that she could. She was completely helpless.

  Finally, he tossed the whip aside and lay next to her on the bed, rubbing his hands over her heated body. She came out of her trance and opened her eyes to see his face close by.

  “Wow,” was all she said.

  He smiled. “You flew, perhaps for the first time.”

  “Yeah.” She still could not form coherent thoughts.

  He held her, letting her come down gently from her high. When she seemed back in the present, she asked, “Are you going to untie me?”

  “Of course—so I can turn you over.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “You didn't think I was just going to whip your bottom, did you?”

  “Oh my god.”

  She did not resist when he untied her and eased her over onto her back. She grimaced when her sore flesh touched the sheets but she did not complain. She was completely his to do with what he wanted.

  He retired her, pulling her limp arms and legs into position. She watched every move. When she was secure, he picked up the riding crop in one hand, the cat o'nine tails in the other. “Which one?”

  She smiled. “Up to you, sir.”

  He nodded. “Good answer.”

  He tossed the riding crop aside and began to slap her breasts with the soft leather cat o'nine tails. She went more quickly into her trance this time. Before he even reached her pussy, her eyes were half-closed and she was flying. He whipped her body until it glowed. When he was done, his body was soaked in sweat—as was hers. She was red from her collarbone to her knees. He stripped off his clothes and climbed up next to her and hugged her, feeling her heat.

  It took her longer to come around. When she did, he crawled up over her and entered her in one smooth movement. Her mouth came open and she gasped. With just one stroke, she came hard.

  “OH MY GOD!”

  He continued to fuck her helpless body. She jerked against her bonds and James knew she wanted to hug him. But he wanted her to feel helpless a little bit longer. Her orgasms rolled one over the other through her, causing her body to shake with the power of them. He could feel his own climax building and he increased his speed. She was like a rag doll under him.

  He grunted and came and she had a final orgasm, her body tensing under his.

  “Oh shit! Oh fuck!”

  He quickly untied her arms and she wrapped them around him. He held her for several minutes while they came down from their exquisite high. When he rolled off of her, he untied her legs and stretched out next to her.

  “You all right?”

  “Oh god, yes. I've never felt like that before.”

  “You've never flown before?”

  “Is that what it's called? No, I haven't done that.”

  “It's something every true submissive should feel.”

  “It was ... it was something else. I can't even describe it. I felt so helpless! And yet, I trusted you. Weird, huh?”

  “Yeah. Trust makes it better.”

  “I keep wanting to thank Charles for sending you to me, but now I think I just ought to thank you for that. I never knew what it could be like.”

  “It can be intense.”

  She hugged him. “You're an excellent personal assistant.”

  “Thank you, ma'am.”


  * * *

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